Tom Colicchio’s Spiced Orange Herb Pekin Duck | Meater

Tom Colicchio’s recipe perfectly captures and enhances the flavors and texture of duck. The umami flavors will fill your home with the delicious aroma of fresh herbs, orange essence, and irresistible duck fat. Trust us when we say the duck is SO good. Your guests will be impressed, and it’ll have them quackin’ for more.





  • 1 whole Pekin duck
  • 1 orange, halved
  • 5 sprigs rosemary
  • 5 sprigs thyme
  • 1/2 tsp fennel seeds
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 1/2 tsp cardamom seeds
  • 1/2 tsp black peppercorns
  • 2 tbsp dried orange peel
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • Salt to taste



  1. Let’s start by prepping this duck! Grab a giant pot of boiling water and blanch the duck for 2 minutes. Then, get the skin as dry as possible to achieve maximum crispiness. Tom recommends refrigerating the duck uncovered overnight, so we hope you’re not too hungry now!
  2. Snooze time! The duck will be waiting for you in the morning.
  3. Morning! Take the duck out of the fridge and preheat the oven to 325°F. This is going to be a low and slow cook to render out all the delicious duck fat. DELICIOUS TIP: Strain and save the fat in a jar to use as a yummy oil alternative for future cooks (i.e. duck fat fries).
  4. Place the duck onto a roasting pan and carefully season the outside and inner cavity with salt. Then, stuff it with rosemary, thyme, and two orange halves.
  5. Now, grab your handy-dandy MEATER Plus and insert the probe into the center of the thickest part of the meat. Set up the cook in the app with a target temperature of 150°F, or adjust this to your preference! We typically insert the probe into the breast and cook to 165°F, but today we are all top chefs! After setup is complete, pop it into the oven to roast!
  6. While the duck is roasting, heat up a pan and toss in the fennel seeds, mustard seeds, cumin, cardamom, and peppercorns. Toasting these ingredients will bring out EXTRA flavor. Once you hear the seeds popping, that means it’s ready! Toss in the dried orange peel powder, give it a good mix, then transfer the seasonings to a mortar and pestle. Pestle away!
  7. In the last 3-4 minutes of the cook, take out the duck, brush it with honey, then sprinkle on the seasonings and put it back into the oven till MEATER notifies you to remove it from heat.
  8. Once you’ve taken out the duck and resting is complete, remove the probe and all the herbs in the cavity, and it’s time to devour this deliciousness!


Courtesy of Meater.
